Continuous improvement to the government service delivery system and aspects of progress control requires a comprehensive review to be carried out on the existing processes and procedures of technical agencies, not limited to PBT only, but on all internal and external technical agencies that are members of the OSC Committee. The effectiveness and efficiency of the officers in processing applications for permits, approvals or support is measured through the number of interactions (procedures) imposed on investors, the length of time taken to process all procedures and the costs imposed on investors before permits, approvals or support are issued. The number of procedures, the time taken to process the application and the cost incurred to complete the application serve as a yardstick for the level of domestic regulation imposed and its impact on investors. This measurement covers the entire construction stage, from the pre-construction stage to the post-construction stage, which is after the utilities are connected and the Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) is issued.

OSC’s New Model focuses on 6 main construction processes, namely pre-negotiation, consideration of proposed development plans, on-site construction approval notification, interim inspection, final inspection and CCC deposit. Legal requirements are implemented as provided, while procedures that do not need to be dropped while procedures that need to be held, strengthened and streamlined.

Agency Manual osc_3.0

Application Manual osc_3.0