Valuation Division
Assessment Rates
1.Assessment rate and Quit Rent are taxes imposed on buildings/land under the jurisdiction of the Sepang Municipal Council such as .
- Residential buildings (apartments, flats, terraces, bungalows and so on)
- Industrial buildings (factories and warehouses)
- Commercial/Business buildings (shops, offices, supermarkets, hotels, petrol stations and so on)
- Agricultural land
- Vacant land
- These assessment taxes are being imposed to finance:
- The construction and maintenance of public facilities such as public halls, public toilets, bus stops, children’s’ playing fields and recreational venues, markets and so forth.
- Caring and maintenance of infrastructures such as roads, trenches, drains and so on. Preparation and maintenance of street lightings.
- The assessment taxes are based on some percentages of the Annual Value of the titles. The Annual Value is the estimated rate of annual rental which is reasonably expected to be received from year to year from the property if it is rented out
- Example: Monthly rental RM 300.00 Annual x 12 ANNUAL VALUE = RM 3,600.00
- The Percentage Rate is the rate fixed by the MPSepang every year with the approval by the State Government. The Maximum Rate which can be imposed is 35%
- The Assessment Rate Tax for this year are as follows :
Property | Rate for Buildings | Rate for Vacant land |
Residential | 7.35 % | 4 % |
Industrial | 9.45 % | 4 % |
Commercial | 8.40 % | 4 % |
Airports | 5.25 % | 4 % |
- Example of the calculation for Assessment Tax : ANNUAL PROPERTY VALUE RM 3,600.00 Percentage Rate (Residential) x 7.35% Assessment Rate = RM 264.60 annually
- For vacant land, the Annual Value is determined based on 10% of the market value of the property
- The assessment rate must be paid 2 (two) times annually i.e.:
- For the first half of the year the duration of payment is between 1st January until 28th or 29th February every year
- For the second half of the year, the duration of payment is between 1st July until 31th August every year
- Important Reminder:
- If the bills are not received and the owners live in another place, you can come or contact MPSepang by informing your properties’ particulars
- In case the assessment rate is not settled on the end of February/August, the owner will be charged a late charge based on 147, Local Governmnet Act 1976 (E Form)
- The new fixed rates are as follows
- Section 147 (Notice E) – RM 20.00
- Any changes of the corresponding addresses or change in ownership must be informed to the Sepang Municipal Council
- Changes in Title and Address
- Complete form I (Transfer of Title) attached with the sale-purchase contract and ownership documents (Click Here for Form I )
- Complete the Changes in Address Formt.(Click Here for Addrress Changes)
Property Management Division
Property Information Search
- Can be made at the Property Evaluation and Management Department for a fee of RM 10.00 for each property.
- Must be attached complete with an application form.